Our Minister

Rev. Dr. Susan Eagle was welcomed to Grace United Church on July 1, 2010, and inducted as our minister by Living Waters Presbytery on September 19, 2010.

Susan Eagle

She came to Grace from London, Ontario, where she was well known for her work with sole support parents, the working poor, persons on social assistance and newcomers to Canada. Susan was awarded the Canada 125 medal in 1993, a royal recognition medal from Queen Elizabeth and an honorary doctorate in divinity by Victoria University in 2011, all for her work with the vulnerable.

In 2010, she was inducted into London’s Newsmakers Hall of Fame and honoured with a public tribute for her leadership in the development of the City of London’s homelessness and affordable housing policy.

She was a London City Councillor for four terms, from 1997 to 2010. She was called to Grace after serving as minister of the Delaware-Kilworth Pastoral Charge near London for 26 years. In London, she also worked for many years with an outreach ministry — ELUCO — supported by several United churches.

Susan was ordained in 1977 after graduating with a master’s degree in divinity from Emmanuel College, an affiliate of the University of Toronto. She’s an honours history graduate of Victoria University, also affiliated with U of T.

Her father and both of her grandfathers were ministers. And her brother Glen is a minister, too, now in Sault Ste. Marie.